Environment, Safety and Health M. Scharfenstein – ES&H Coordinator
Integrated Safety Management Process DOE O 413.3A / Program and Project Management Hazard Analysis Report Lessons Learned DOE O 420.2A / Accelerator Safety Safety Assessment Document Accelerator Safety Envelope DOE O 450.1 / Safety Management System Integrated Safety and Environmental Management National Environmental Policy Act
ISEMS Process cont’d The Environmental Assessment developed for the LCLS resulted in a Finding of No Significant Impact encompassed the physical space occupied by LUSI and its operations The LUSI Hazard Analysis Report states its instruments are being designed so that they will not pose hazards to people or the environment (413.3A) The most significant potential hazard associated with LUSI instruments is that related to ionizing radiation The LUSI instruments are designed to 10CFR 835 defines radiation protection regulations for the protection of individuals from ionizing radiation Lessons Learned SLAC process driven by Operating Experience Program (210.2) SNS Lessons Learned from Instrument Beamline Construction (413.3A) LUSI instruments will be designed and built within the scope of LCLS Safety Assessment Document (420.2A) The instruments will comply with the DOE and SLAC approved Accelerator Safety Envelope
ISEMS Process cont’d SLAC Integrated Safety and Environmental Management (450.1) SLAC ES&H Manual Safety Oversight Committee Review Process Work Planning and Control Program new! LCLS ES&H management practices LCLS Requirement, Specification and Interface Documents Physics Requirements Documents, Engineering Specification Documents, Preliminary & Final Design Reviews, etc LCLS Work Authorization Preliminary Design Review SOC Reviews Final Design Review Project Management sign-off
Hazards Analysis Process Process to document the hazard analysis of the instrument design Reviewed and Approved by the DOE Stanford Site Office DOE O 413.3A / Program and Project Management Peer Review Hazards Analysis Report R. Hislop SME, Author & Reviewer APS F. O’Neil SME, Author of GLAST HAR Living document subject to an annual review
Hazard Analysis Process The hazard analysis process is a principal factor in the understanding and management of technical risk Hazard severity is an assessment of the worst potential consequence, defined by degree of injury or property damage, which could occur Probability is the likelihood that an identified hazard will result in a mishap, based on an assessment of such factors as location, exposure in terms of cycles or hours of operation, and affected population These levels are derived from MIL-STD-882D, Standard Practices for System Safety Defense Standards are also used by other non-Defense government organizations, technical organizations, and industry
Hazard Consequence Rating
Integrated Safety and Environmental Management Conclusion Integrated Safety and Environmental Management Following SLAC ISEMS Process SLAC ES&H Manual Safety Oversight Committee Lessons Learned SLAC program SLAC Work Planning & Control Process Following LCLS ES&H management practices LCLS Requirement, Specification and Interface Documents Hazard Analysis Report Updated from CD-2 and Approved by DOE Lessons Learned – SNS report CD-2 and XPP FIDR recommended moving forward From an ES&H perspective LUSI is ready for CD-3