The Task of Transportation
Most multi cellular organisms have a circulatory system- why is it needed? 1 carry O2/nutrients to cells; remove CO2/ wastes 2 transport chemical messages 3 distribute heat 4 help maintain a fluid balance ** Every cell in our body is within 2 cells of a blood vessel.**
A Vascular System (A system of vessels) They can be Open or Closed
A Vascular System (A system of vessels) Open - blood is not confined to vessels - blood bathes cells - low pressure system - eg. Crustaceans & insects
• Closed Systems - blood is confined to vessels - associated with some type of pump (simple aorta in worms to 4-chambered heart) - eg. Worms, fish, frogs, mammals
A Vascular System (A system of vessels)
A Vascular System (A system of vessels) includes the medium is needed to carry nutrients (hemolymph in insects, blood) specialized structures can be associated (cavities, aortas, hearts-2, 3, 4 chambered)
Insect Circulation
Worm Circulation
Fish Circulation Two chambered -one atrium, one ventricle -single circulation-heart, gills, body, back to the heart.
Frog Circulation
Mammal Circulation
Three Chambered Heart Four Chambered Heart Incomplete Double circulation (heart to lungs to heart to body) -mixing of blood (poor O2 with rich O2 ) less O2 delivered Four Chambered Heart Complete double circulation -No mixing of O2 poor/ O2 rich blood - more efficient nutrient transport
Mass (grams) pulse rate (beats/minute) mouse 25 670 rat 200 420 guinea pig 300 300 rabbit 2000 205 small dog 5000 120 large dog 30000 85 man 70000 72 horse 450000 38 Elephant 5000000 28
Assignment 1. Create a chart that examines the range of circulatory systems from single celled amoebas to humans. Indicate the type of system (open, closed), the medium, and indicate specialized structures or pumps associated with it. Include the following organisms in your chart: Single cells (amoeba) Insects (grasshopper) Annelids (worms) Fish Amphibians (frogs) Mammal (humans) Birds
Associated structures Organism Type of System Medium Associated structures Amoeba Insect Annelids (worms) Fish Amphibians Mammal/Bird