language that uses words from the 5 senses What are the 5 senses? Sensory Language language that uses words from the 5 senses What are the 5 senses?
The Senses Sight Taste Sound Touch Smell
Why use sensory language? Because it helps paint a picture in the reader’s head. It helps the story feel real, makes it come alive! Readers can relate better to the author.
Touch Words that make your reader feel like they are touching what you (the author) are touching. Examples: bumpy cold cool crisp damp dry small soft metallic hot fragile furry fuzzy gritty hairy icy
Sound Words that make your reader hear what you (the author) is hearing. Talk about loudness, softness, and speech. Examples: booming, blaring, noisy, screeching, crying, whispering, crackling, sizzling
Sight Words that make your reader see what you see. Talk about colors, movement, shapes, and appearance. Examples: brick aqua red teal Rushing fast slow bouncy pointy straight square pretty dull ugly
Taster Words that make your reader taste what you taste. Examples: bitter bittersweet bland burnt buttery cheesy crisp fishy fruity
Smell Words that make your reader smell what you smell. Examples: earthy fishy fragrant fresh rotten savory scented sharp sickly sour spicy
If this was the setting of your story… what might you say using your senses?