8th VA COMP Common Assessment #2: Art Criticism Ragen Shoup Pine Mountain Middle School
Puppy love, Nicole Bolanos, chalk and metallic paint, 2014
Description What can you learn from the title of the artwork? I learned that puppy love is adorable and what everyone wants from a dog. What subjects in the artwork can your recognize? I can recognize a flower in the background and that the puppy is a white, brown spotted pug and there are bright colors in the background. Looking at the elements of art what do you see? -I see green, baby blue, reddish brown, and yellow, brown, and white. -I see circles, swirls, triangles, and ovals. -I would say a rough and smooth. -It’s two-dimensional. 4. What media (what tools they used) and techniques (methods to make the art) did the artist use? The artist used metallic paint, brushes, and chalk to start it off. She used the chalk to outline the shapes and then she used the metallic paint to color it in.
Analysis Write 1-2 sentences addressing the principle of art below. If you need to review what these terms mean, you can do that at this link. https://www.getty.edu/education/teachers/building_lessons/principles_design.pdf When you are done, erase these directions Emphasis: Balance: Proportion: Pattern: Rhythm or Movement: Unity and Variety:
Interpretation Is there symbolism in the artwork? What do you think it means? The picture is symbolizing how puppy's can be happy and loving. They can cheer you up when you are feeling sad. They could also play with you when you are bored. What feeling do you think the artist wanted to give the viewer when looking at the work? I feel like the artist is showing you that having a puppy is great idea. Does the work remind you of other things you have experienced? The artwork reminds me of my little puppy that I have and I love having the puppy around because he brings joy to the family. How does the work relate to other ideas or events in the world and/or in your other classes? It relates that having a puppy can be hard because you have to take it out for walks and you have to wash them. But it is worth having a puppy in the house when they are making you happy when you are sad and to play with you when you are bored.
Judgment What parts of the work make you feel it is a success or failure? I think the whole artwork is a masterpiece and it might have some mess ups but that is what makes you remember that having a dog is sometimes had working. What criteria (think of the style of the work) can you list to help others judge this work? Happiness. How unique is the work? Why do you feel this work is or isn’t unique? I think it is unique because I say everyone’s artwork is unique because they thought of it. What are some improvements you feel the artist could have made to the work? I think the artist could of have added more bright colors into the mix.