You need: Clean paper (2) / Pencil Egg lab Warm Up: What is the function of the cell membrane? I CAN: investigate the parts of the basic cell. Oct.2, 2018
Egg Observations When I say “egg” – what do you imagine in your head? Write that down. Is this what you imagined…why or why not? How do they compare/contrast? Let’s talk about why…and hypothesize. After they write observations/prior knowledge of “chicken egg” – I show the egg with no shell. They write observations again. I explain what I have done. They hypothesize about what happened and why. I am careful to talk about the calcium carbonate of the shell is similar to the calcium bones need. It is used for protection for the egg. Calcium carbonate happens to be a base – so it reacts and dissolves when add to an acid like vinegar. I intentionally made them react to dissolve the egg shell. Last question – if the shell is gone, why is it not a blob that slips through my fingers? How does it hold it’s shape? Students should eventually – through hypotheses and/or prior knowledge and experience – realize that the egg has a “thin skin” or membrane in addition to the shell. A membrane like a cell!
Observations of an egg Observations of “de-shelled” egg
Check your chart 85.2g 81.9g 87.4g 86.6g 89.8g 88.7g 86.1g 85.6g 92.0g Soaking liquid Initial Mass Hypothesis Mass after soak Net change Observations No liquid water Corn syrup Paint Food color 85.2g 81.9g 87.4g 86.6g 89.8g 88.7g 86.1g 85.6g 92.0g 87.0g
Check your chart 85.2g 81.9g 87.4g 86.6g 89.8g 88.7g 86.1g 85.6g 92.0g Soaking liquid Initial Mass Hypothesis Mass after soak Net change Observations No liquid water Corn syrup Paint Food color 85.2g 81.9g 87.4g 86.6g 89.8g 88.7g 86.1g 85.6g 92.0g 87.0g
Check your chart Mass 85.2g 81.1g 81.9g 79.3g 87.4g 95.8g 86.6g 98.1g Soaking liquid Initial Mass Hypothesis Mass after soak Net change Observations No liquid water Corn syrup Paint Food color 85.2g Mass 81.1g -___g 81.9g 79.3g -___g 87.4g 95.8g +___g 86.6g 98.1g +___g 89.8g 62.5g -___g 88.7g 67.2g -___g 86.1g 94.4g +___g +___g 85.6g 95.9g 92.0g 104.0g +___g 87.0g 95.3g +___g
Mass: Did it go up? Did it go down? Did it stay the same?
CELLS Even if cells are very tiny, they are made up of smaller parts, and the parts do different jobs. Cell membrane Nucleus
Osmosis – “osmos” is Greek…to push Movement of WATER through a semi-permeable membrane…for balance. Diffusion – mvmt of particles
Homeostasis Homeo…homoios, homo -Greek -means “like” or “same/similar” Stasis… -English -means a period of inactivity or balance
Cells Page 286 Skim through the reading. Write a sentence (or two) explaining the difference between PROKARYOTIC and EUKARYOTIC
Today Let’s practice our vocabulary with a card sort. Microscope parts/functions first. Now try to sort the ORGANELLES – and their functions. Work with a partner. Have you finished your cell coloring (for association)?
Cell Membrane BOTH Plant and Animal Cells Function: controls what substances enter and exit the cell Analogy to City: City “Gate Keeper”
Cell Wall PLANT CELLS ONLY Function: surrounds plants to protect and support the cell Analogy to City: City Border
Nucleus BOTH Plant and Animal Cells Function: directs all the cells activities (brain of cell) Analogy to City: City Hall
Nucleolus BOTH Plant and Animal Cells Function: makes ribosomes inside the nucleus Analogy to City: Copy Machine Inside City Hall
Nuclear Membrane BOTH Plant and Animal Cells Function: controls what enters and leaves the nucleus, protects Analogy to City: gate around City Hall
Chromosomes BOTH Plant and Animal Cells Function: contains the important blueprints of the cell or DNA Analogy to City: City Mayor
Vacuole BOTH Plant and Animal Cells Function: stores food, water, waste, and other materials Analogy to City: Warehouses, Water Towers, etc.
Chloraplast PLANT CELLS ONLY Function: captures energy from sunlight and produces food Analogy to City: Solar Energy Plant
Endoplasmic Reticulum BOTH Plant and Animal Cells Function: built proteins and move them throughout cell or out of cell (Smooth – no ribosomes, Rough – ribosomes) Analogy to City: City Transportation Department
Cytoplasm BOTH Plant and Animal Cells Function: gel-like fluid between cell membrane and nucleus, allows other organelles to float freely through cell Analogy to City: City Yards
Ribosomes BOTH Plant and Animal Cells Function: produce proteins Analogy to City: Construction Company
Lysosomes ANIMAL CELLS ONLY Function: contain chemicals that break down food particles and worn out cell parts Analogy to City: Recycle or Waste Management Company
Mitochondria BOTH Plant and Animal Cells Function: rod-shaped organelle that produce energy (powerhouse) Analogy to City: Energy Plant
Golgi Body BOTH Plant and Animal Cells Post Office BOTH Plant and Animal Cells Function: receives materials from the endoplasmic reticulum and sends them to other parts of the cell Analogy to City: Post Office
The Whole City… Post Office
1. Choose the wrong statement from the following. a) Mitochondria produces most of the energy for the cell. b) Chloroplasts are “food producers.” c) Cell wall controls the movements of materials into and out of the cell. d) Nucleus regulates and controls all cell activities, acting as the “brain” of the cell.