Chapter 4 By: Lacey, Kim, Angelina, Angie, Debbie Read to Self Chapter 4 By: Lacey, Kim, Angelina, Angie, Debbie
Day 1 *Introduce two of the three ways to read a book Read and talk about the pictures Read the words MODEL PRACTICE Brainstorm I-chart strategies Have student model correct/incorrect behaviors
Day 2 Review the two ways to read a book Introduce the third way-(retell a familiar text) Review I-chart MODEL PRACTICE BUILD STAMINA CHECK-INS
Day 3 Discuss where to sit and how to choose where to sit. Review the three ways to read to self Review I-chart MODEL PRACTICE BUILD STAMINA Check-ins
Key Points Modeling is key Students take responsibility for their learning. Keep I-chart visible to students Continue to model and practice until your students GET it.