Race v. Ethnicity
What the difference? Race Category of people who share inherited physical characteristics Perceived by others as being a distinct group
Historically, there were three categories of race: Caucasoid (whites) Are characterized by fair skin and straight or wavy hair Mongoloid (Asians) Are identified by yellowish or brownish skin and by distinctive folds on their eyelids Negroid (blacks) Distinguished by dark skin and tightly curled hair
Does everyone fit into one of these races?
Ethnicity Ethnic group Set of cultural characteristics that distinguishes one group from another group Ethnic group People who share a common cultural background and a common sense of identity
Ethnicity and race refer to two different sets of characteristics. Ethnicity is cultural; whereas race is physical Although, some ethnic groups are racially distinct.
Minority Group Category of people who share physical characteristics or cultural practices that result in the group being denied equal treatment Types include: Racial Ethnic Gender Religious