Analyze the Function of the Skeletal System
Functions There are 5 specific functions: 1. It SUPPORTS body structures and provides shape to the body 2. It PROTECTS the soft and delicate internal organs For example: the cranium protects the brain, inner ear, and parts of the eye; ribs and breastbone protect the heart and lungs; vertebral column encases and protects the spinal cord
continued 3. It ALLOWS MOVEMENT AND ANCHORAGE of the muscles Muscles that are attaches to the skeleton are called skeletal muscles. Ligaments are fibrous bands that connect bones to bones and cartilage and serve as support for muscles Joints are bound together by ligaments; tendons are fibrous cords that connect muscles to bone Allow for: Abduction and adduction Circumduction and rotation Flexion and extension Pronation and supination (Discussed in more detail at the end)
continued 4. It PROVIDES MINERAL STORAGE Bones are a storage depot for minerals such as calcium and phosphorus In case of inadequate nutrition, the body is able to use these reserves For example: If blood calcium drops below normal, the bone releases the necessary calcium into the blood stream; when calcium is above normal, the bone inhibits calcium release So, skeletal system helps to maintain blood calcium homeostasis
5. It IS THE SITE FOR HEMOPOIESIS The red marrow of the bone is the site of red blood cell formation Red marrow is found in long bones, sternum, and ilia (where are the ilia located?) White blood cells are made in the yellow marrow
Types of Motion (pg 107) Flexion: act of bringing 2 bones closer together which decreases the angle b/t the 2 bones Extension: act of increasing the angle b/t 2 bones, which results in a straightening motion Abduction: movement of an extremity away from the midline Adduction: movement toward the midline Circumduction: includes flexion, extension, abduction, and adduction Rotation: movement that allows a bone to move around 1 central axis (for example: turning your head from side to side = pivot) Pronation: the forearm turns the hand so the palm is downward or backward Supination: the palm is forward or upward
Reading Please pause and read “The Effects of Aging” on page 106 If you need to, make a few notes to help you remember.
We are done with this one because we completely covered bone formation, vertebral column, ribs, strongest and longest bone (femur), synovial fluid, and joints in the 1st power point. See, there is a positive to having a 57 slide ppt, the next one only has 7!