Skeletal System
Facts The human hand has 27 bones; your face has 14. The longest bone in your body is the femur -- it's about 1/4 of your height. The smallest is the stirrup bone in the ear which can measure 1/10 of an inch. You have over 230 moveable and semi-moveable joints in your body. The largest bone is the pelvis, or hip bone. In fact it is made of six bones joined firmly together. After death, cartilage rots faster than bone. This is why the skulls of skeletons have no nose or ears.
Bones-living tissue Bone marrow- produces blood cells Osteoblast & osteoclast- bone cells Bone marrow- produces blood cells Stores cells in the Medullary Canal (lined with endosteum)
Classification of Bones Compact- dense & looks smooth Spongy- small needlelike pieces of bone with lots of open spaces
Haversian Canal- blood vessels location canaliculi- small passages
Growth & development Calcium- provide nutrients for growth & development Vitamin D-helps the body absorb calcium Regular Exercise- makes bones strong by stress
Problems Rickets- softening of the bone; vit. D deficient Osteoporosis – porous bone Arthritis – inflammation of joints
Skeletal Division Axial Appendicular skull, vertebrae, ribs and sternum Appendicular Arms and legs pelvic girdles (consists of 3 fused hipbones), pectoral girdles (consists of 2 collar bones - "clavicles"), 2 scapulas (shoulder blades.)
Joints & Fractures
Types of Joints Cartilaginous Joints (amphiarthrosis) Connected by cartilage-slightly movable Spine & ribs Fibrous Joints (synarthorisis) United by fibrous tissue Skull & pelvis
Types of Joints Synovial Joints (diarthrosis) Joints separated by a cavity containing synovial fluid Gliding joint Hinge joint Pivot joint Condyloid joint Saddle joint Ball & socket joint
Gliding Joint
Hinge Joint
Pivot Joint
Saddle Joint
Ball & Socket Joint
Fractures Compound Simple Comminuted Compression open closed Many fragments Compression crushed
Fractures Depressed Impacted Spiral Greenstick Bone is pressed inward Ends are forced into each other Spiral twisting Greenstick incomplete
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