Vámonos Traduje las frases. Escríbelas en español. My mother-in-law His stepbrother Your great-grandparents Our friendship Their nieces
Anuncios Duolingo 31 de enero Quiz 5.1 lunes, el 25 de enero
Expressing possession In English, we use ‘s to indicate that something belongs to someone. the book of Mariela Mariela’s book In Spanish, ‘s does not make sense. It does not exist. So we use the first, longer form. the book of Mariela
the book of Mariela el libro de Mariela Definite Articles el la los The object comes first the book of Mariela el libro de Mariela Definite Articles el la los las
Translate the phrases to Spanish. 1. the friendship of Miguel & Carlos 2. the granddaughter of Inés 3. the great-grandmother of Julia 4. the father-in-law of Esmeralda 5. the sister-in-law of José 6. the nephew of the teacher
Moving from English to Spanish We won’t see phrases written in the order we just saw. Usually in English, we use the ‘s form. So we need to be able to rearrange the phrase before translating it. Miguel’s friend the friend of Miguel el amigo de Miguel
Práctica #1 Fernanda’s great-great-grandfather Juana’s niece Miguel’s stepsister Rosario’s brother-in-law Sara and Emily’s friendship Carla’s mother-in-law
Possessive Adjectives Mi Mis My Tu Tus Your Su Sus His/Her/ Their Nuestro Nuestros Our Nuestra Nuestras
my = mi my house = mi casa Note: We don’t say “mi la casa.” It’s the same as saying “my the house.” You only need ONE article. You can have: A definite article (el, la, los, las) An indefinite article (un, una, unos, unas) OR a possessive article (mi(s), tu(s), su(s), etc.) You cannot have more than one.
Práctica #2 Translate and complete these 10 sentences using the following terms and a relationship to another family member (s). Ejemplo: My parents-in-law are the parents of my husband. Mis suegros son los padres de mi esposo. My great-grandmother 6. Her father-in-law His great-great-grandfather 7. Our mothers-in-law Our nephews 8. My stepsisters Your grandson 9. Her stepbrothers My brothers-in-law 10. Your sister-in-law