Happy Monday! Please do the following: Have out your HERCULES work from Friday Have out a pen/cil
Hercules…Hercules… Labors Describe Task: How Hercules defeated it: Labors Describe Task: How Hercules defeated it: Heroic qualities shown: Proof/explanation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Hercules…Hercules… Project Options: Hercules 12 labors illustrations Create your own myth Novel read with response question
List two or three other people you would like to work with Exit List two or three other people you would like to work with
Name of first figure goes here Also known as: * Visual Goes Here Relatives: * Powers/Skills/Abilities: *
Name of first figure goes here Visual Goes Here Role in “The Odyssey”: * Claim to Fame: *
Name of first figure goes here Personality Traits * Visual Goes Here Real World Connections: *
Name of second figure goes here Also known as: * Visual Goes Here Relatives: * Powers/Skills/Abilities: *
Name of second figure goes here Visual Goes Here Role in “The Odyssey”: * Claim to Fame: *
Name of second figure goes here Personality Traits * Visual Goes Here Real World Connections: *
Works Cited Page Directions: * List ALL of the web sites you used to get your information (including your visuals) * Follow the MLA guide given to you in class * Be sure to include the URL…