Warm-Up (9/18) List all the dreamers we have read about so far. What makes them a dreamer? Walter Mitty (“SLOWM”) 15-year-old boy (“Fifteen”) Mathilde (“The Necklace”) Esperanza (Pre-AP) Darius (Pre-AP) Alicia (Pre-AP) Mama/Papa (Pre-AP) Marin (Pre-AP) Harrison Bergeron George Bergeron
TP-CASTT Analysis: Poetry TP-CASTT: Method for breaking down poems Answer each part in a complete sentence (Don’t have to go in order): T: Title What do you think the poem will be about? P-Paraphrase Summarize the plot/idea/literal in each line/stanza C-Connotation ID figurative language, poetic devices and structure, diction, sensory imagery AND describe its purpose/effect/meaning. Find connection to theme).
A: Attitude Determine the author’s attitude/tone AND explain how you know (Study word choice, images, and overall language) S: Shift Note major changes, e.g. tone, organization, subject, time, etc. AND explain its importance T: Theme Determine the poem’s theme T: Title Explain the author’s title choice now that you’ve read the poem
Put these notes under the reading tab. You will use this often! There will be a notebook check on Monday… Practice TP-CASTT, “Dreams” by Langston Hughes (See next slide for images from class TP-CASTT)