Language Arts Monday: 9/10 I.N. 29 Write down this week’s schedule (including due dates) in your agenda. If you haven’t turned in Draft #2 of your Narrative, please do so now. (I.N. 29) Sometimes people have more courage to say things they normally wouldn’t say over a computer or text message. Why is this? Have you ever said something you’ve regretted over a computer or text message? Describe what happened. (at least a paragraph)
Spelling Words TEST: Friday Below your bell work (I.N. 29), write a one-two word definition of each of the spelling words (#1-10). (you may use a dictionary if needed) Underneath the definition, use the word in a complete sentence. Tape your spelling list onto I.N. page 29
Language Arts Tuesday: 9/11 I.N. 30 Write out the pledge of allegiance. In a complete paragraph, what words from the pledge specifically could remind us to honor the lives lost on September 11, 2001? Use a dictionary if you are unaware of the meaning of certain words.
Commonly Misused... I.N. page 30 Make a 3 column chart for the words below… There: somewhere, a place Their: possessive, belongs to someone They’re: contraction, two words put together ***CHALLENGE*** Use all three in a three-sentence poem.
Language Arts Wednesday: 9/12 I.N. 31 Make sure you have a Write Source Textbook. In a complete paragraph, what do you think are three main problems in the world? What would you do to change them?
Commonly Misused... I.N. page 31 Its: possessive form “Give the dog its treat!” It’s: It is/ it has “It’s a beautiful day!” = “It is a beautiful day!” Write a sentence using both “its” and “it’s”. Write Source pages 419-433. With your partner, come up with a list of ten sets of words from these pages that you feel like you both misuse the most.
Language Arts Bellwork Friday: 9/14 I.N. 32 Someone once said, “Show me your friends; I’ll show you your future.” Do you think this is true? Why or why not? Answer in a complete paragraph. When you finish, you have time to study for the spelling test today.
Spelling Test When you finish: Quietly turn it into THE HUB. Take a black Write Source textbook from THE HUB. Take an assignment paper from THE HUB. Turn to pages 419. Choose one of the commonly misused words (419-433) to create a poster over. Begin planning your ideas. Construction paper and supplies will be available once everyone is finished with the test. DUE TUESDAY, 9/18! (write the due date in your agenda... Right now!)