What might providers expect from and contribute to Market Position Statements?
The DCMQC programme National programme running for one year to provide support to LAs in developing an MPS / delivering market facilitation. Part of the wider government programme towards the social care market stemming from the White Paper and which will probably continue beyond the life of the DCMQC exercise. Three days IPC support to each authority with additional London wide days being used in sub-regional groups. Baseline target every LA with at least one MPS published.
Why is this happening – The legislative bit Care and Support Bill, Section Three lays out four responsibilities the local authority should undertake with regard to the care market: Make information available about providers and the services they offer. Develop an awareness of current and likely future demand for services and how current supply meets that. Ensure the market is sustainable. Foster improvement and innovation. In addition Responsibility for market oversight shared between the LA and CQC. Draft Care and Support Bill, July 2012, Cm 8386
What is Market Facilitation “Based on a good understanding of need and demand, market facilitation is the process by which strategic commissioners ensure there is diverse, appropriate and affordable provision available to meet needs and deliver effective outcomes both now and in the future.“
The activities of market facilitation Market intelligence Market structuring Market intervention The development of a common and shared perspective of supply and demand, leading to an evidenced, published, market position statement for a given market. The interventions commissioners make in order to deliver the kind of market believed to be necessary for any given community. The activities designed to give the market shape and structure, where commissioner behaviour is visible and the outcomes they are trying to achieve agreed, or at least accepted.
What is an MPS A good MPS should offer: A picture of the likely future demand for care with the variables that might affect that. An overview of current supply, highlighting areas of strength and weakness in the current provision as against… …the model of good practice that the local authority is working towards The interventions and support the LA will put in place to achieve that.
What is an MPS It should be brief Analytical Offer providers a good indication of the strategic direction the LA will take now and in the future. Provide information which providers will find helpful in constructing their business plans and approaches to intervention. It should be the basis for a different kind of dialogue between LAs and providers.
State of play Virtually all authorities engaged in some way, but progress a couple of months behind desired target. Virtually all the support materials produced, one paper on ‘Beyond the MPS’ about to go through for approval. Provider sector engaged through the reference group.
Key issues MPSs are not strong on: Stating what good looks like and hence from this what kind of market five years down the line. Being market facing. Analysis. Brevity Self funders.
Key issues How is our market defined? Some authorities struggle with the concept of a market and tend to want to continue with existing procurement arrangements. Who leads; central v departmental procurement, commissioners or senior leadership team? Not many examples of the wider discussions taking place with providers.
Four questions What would providers expect to get from an MPS? What do providers feel they have to contribute to an MPS? What kinds of dialogue with the LA / Health and Well being boards would be welcomed? How do you make decisions about the future of your business / organisation now?