Agenda 4/28/16 Complete shooting photos for your Narrative Portrait Project Narrative Portraiture Self Evaluation – type and submit to student share Copyright each portrait photo. Turn in to Student share: Yourlastname-S-head.jpeg Yourlastname-S-mid.jpeg Yourlastname-S-full.jpeg Yourlastname-E-head.jpeg Yourlastname-E-mid.jpeg Yourlastname-E-full.jpeg 5) Continue film notes 6) Last day to sign up for the fair.
“Annie Liebovitz: Life Through a Lens” Film Notes: Throughout the film write a list of all the publications that A.L. has worked for and been published in. Make a list of photographers and/or artists that have influenced, inspired and mentored A.L. (minimum of 4 mentors). Briefly describe HOW each mentor influenced her. Describe A.L.’s process in shooting her portraits. How does she prepare for the shoot? What does she do during the shoot? Describe and explain 1 of A.L.’s most iconic photograph’s. What makes it iconic? Explain the context of the photograph, the cultural impact, the impact in the field of photography and art, etc.