ENG143A: English Speaking Workshops 20 May 2019
Group presentation #1 To show your ability to communicate effectively in English, you will give a 15-minute group presentation on a city tour itinerary. After your presentation, there will also be a brief Q&A session for audience to raise questions about the city tour and itinerary design. 20 May 2019
What to do Form a group of 3 students. Choose a city that you all like. Decide who will be the target customers of the city tour (Is it for newly-weds? Elderly? Undergraduate students? Family with babies and kids?). Design an itinerary for the city tour. In the presentation, you need to include: (1) city attractions, and (2) basic information of the city (weather, currency, transport, food, etc.). You can also include some travel tips. 20 May 2019
Assessment criteria of the itinerary presentation Individual performance Vocabulary and language pattern: vocabulary, transitional words, grammar, structure, pronunciation Delivery skills: fluency, pauses, pace, expressions, eye contact, posture, gesture, reference to visuals Quality of ideas: clarity, originality, relevance, use of example(s) 20 May 2019
Assessment criteria of the itinerary presentation Group performance Organization: introduction, body, conclusion Presentation strategies: time management, interaction, turn taking, invitation for comments and questions, responding to comments and questions 20 May 2019
Planning your Presentation Identify your purpose. Decide what you want your audience to believe, remember, or do when you finish. Aim all parts of your talk toward your purpose. Understand your audience. Anticipate their reactions and make adaptations. Consider age, education, experience, and size of audience. 20 May 2019
Presentation Content Introduction Body Conclusion 1. Collect information and organize them logically. 2. Consider using an Outline. 3. Three parts: Introduction Catch listeners’ attention. Tell them what you’re going to say. Body Say it. Conclusion Tell them what you’ve just said. 20 May 2019
Introduction Capture audience attention Get the audience involved. Capture attention by opening with a promise, story, startling fact, question, quotation. Establish your credibility by identifying your position, expertise, knowledge, or qualifications. Introduce your topic. Preview the main points. 20 May 2019
Body Explain your main ideas and support them with examples, facts, or data, etc. Develop two to four main points. Arrange the points logically: e.g. chronologically, from most important to least, by comparison and contrast, or by some other strategy. Prepare transitions. Use "bridge" statements between major points. e.g. I've just discussed three reasons for X; now I want to move to Y. Use verbal signposts: however, for example, etc. 20 May 2019
Conclusion Review or summarize your major points Give a final focus. Tell how listeners can use this information, why you have spoken, or what you want them to do. Provide an opportunity for questions or comments. Questions handling techniques: Repeat audience’s question before answering it. Answer questions as far as possible and as soon as possible. Don’t discuss the questions with your group members for a long time and leaving dead air. Avoid deadair – prepare stimulating questions. 20 May 2019
9 Techniques for Keeping Audience Attention A promise "By the end of our presentation, you will . . . . " Drama Tell a moving story; describe a problem. Eye contact Command attention at the beginning by making eye contact with as many people as possible. Movement Leave podium area. Move toward audience. 20 May 2019
9 Techniques for Keeping Audience Attention Questions Ask for show of hands. Demonstrations Include member of audience. Samples, gimmicks Award prizes to volunteer participants; pass out samples. Visuals Use a variety of graphics and visual aids. Self-interest Audience members want to know "What's in it for me?" 20 May 2019
Overcoming Stage Fright Stage fright is both natural and controllable! Overcoming Stage Fright Breathe deeply. Convert your fear into anticipation and enthusiasm. Know your topic. Shift the spotlight to your visual aids. Ignore any stumbles; keep going. Don’t apologize. Feel proud when you finish. BE CONFIDENT! 20 May 2019
Delivery Techniques Before presentation: Prepare thoroughly – 110%. Rehearse repeatedly. Time yourself. Request a lectern. Check the room. Greet members of the audience. Practice stress reduction. 20 May 2019
During presentation: Begin with a pause. Present your first sentence from memory. Maintain eye contact. Control your voice and vocabulary – avoid verbal static, e.g. ah, er, you know… etc. Put the brakes on – Slow down! Move naturally (physically). Use visual aids effectively Avoid digressions – Stick to your outline and notes! Summarize your main points. 20 May 2019
After presentation - interaction with the audience: Distribute handouts. Encourage questions. Repeat questions. Reinforce your main points. Keep control – don’t allow one individual to take over. End with a summary and appreciation. 20 May 2019