Sadia Shaukat Sodexo Dietetic Intern 2012 STAY HYDARTED Sadia Shaukat Sodexo Dietetic Intern 2012
Objectives Understand the role of water in body Understand the importance of fluid in body Know the signs of dehydration Identify the foods high in water content Identify the ways to add fluid in the diet
Role of water
Getting enough water Eight 8 oz glasses (2 quarter) Body is in constant need Don’t wait to drink until your mouth is dry; its too long Do you know how much water we need everyday? Eight 8 oz glasses (2 quarter) Water needs may be different because of Activity level Weather Certain diseases and condition
Dehydration Dehydration is the fluid imbalance caused by inadequate intake or excessive losses It can be mild, moderate or sever Sever dehydration is life threatening emergency Older adults are at greater risk Older adults may not sense thirst as well as younger Kidneys can become less efficient to conserve water
Losing too much fluid or not drinking enough or both Causes of dehydration Losing too much fluid or not drinking enough or both Body lose too much fluid from Excessive sweating (exercise or weather) Excessive urine out put (uncontrolled diabetes or use of diuretics) Fever Vomiting or diarrhea Not drinking enough Loss of appetite due to illness Nausea Sore throat or mouth sores Fear of accident
Signs of dehydration Your body may also become dehydrated before you know it Dry mouth Flushed skin Fatigue Headache Increased body temp Increased breathing Increased pulse rate Low or no urine output Dark colored urine (apple juice color) No tears Sunken eyes Lethargy or coma (with sever dehydration)
Are you getting enough water? Check color of your urine Pay attention on how much you need to go to bathroom or how much urine you are making? Try to keep track of how much you are drinking- at least eight 8-oz glasses and more if situation calls for it *multi-vitamins or medicines can darken your urine color
Fluid sources- not only water Food items Estimated water content Milk 90% Yogurt 87% Soup (broth based) Juice (orange) 88% Tomato 95% Cucumber 97% Apple 86% Cantaloupe Decaffeinated tea or coffee 99%
Ways to get enough Have a glass of tea, milk, or juice with your meals. Drink a glass of water at regular times during the day, such as when you take your medicine. Place a glass of water beside your favorite chair for a “water break” Take a sip of water as you pass a water fountain Choose a cup of yogurt or a piece of fruit for an afternoon snack Drink water before and after being outside on a hot or cold day Add a lime or lemon to a tall glass of ice water for a flavor twist
Fear of accidents Try to drink more fluid when you home or close to bathroom Take bathroom break when you get chance even though you do not have urge to go Drink less water few hour before going to bed Look at your daily routine to find what works best for you
Sadia shaukat Sodexo Dietetic Intern 2012 Any Questions Sadia shaukat Sodexo Dietetic Intern 2012