Student Name Teacher Name CAREER & TOPIC Student Name Teacher Name
Introduction - Personal Mission Statement Mission statement from resume or statement/picture that explain why you are interested in this career (can be personal, skill-based, opportunity-based, etc.) _______________________________________________________
Career Overview Annual Salary: ___________________________ Job Outlook:__________________________ Job Duties Summary: __________________________________________________________
Your Path to this Career Required Education/Training/Certifications: _______________________________________________ Your Plan: College(s) You Plan to Attend: _____________________ Timeframe to Complete Education: _________________ Additional experiences you will seek out (internships, volunteering, etc.):___________________________________
Keys to Success in Career Recommended Skills/Experiences: __________________________________________ Expert advice for success: _____________________________________________
Career Issue Overview: _____________________ Why this issue interests you: _________________________________________________ Why this issue is important to the profession
Career Issue – Important Facts Facts about issue __________________________________________
Career Issue – Your view Your reactions to facts __________________________________________
Conclusion Review importance of your career to you, your family, your community, country, world… _______________________________________
Works Cited List your sources in MLA format: ______________________________________