Session: The Occupy Movements & Introduction to Research Methods Part 2: Researching Occupy Wall Street and Writing summaries Skills: Researching Basics, News Articles Summary
What You are Doing Today You will be using the laptops to practice how to research news articles You will be researching and reading THREE different articles from THREE DIFFERENT SOURCES You will then write an article summary for each For your blog this week you are writing a GENERAL summary of the Occupy Wall Street protests and economic crisis of 2008 from ALL the sources you found combined with proper MLA citations
Guidelines for Researching News Articles Below is a list of possible news sources you can use for your research on the Occupy Wall Street Movement and the Economic Crisis of 2008 Washington Post New York Times Los Angeles Times Wall Street Journal Associated Press The Economist Christian Science Monitor Bloomberg News National Public Radio
Article Summaries For each of the articles you have researched, you will also write a short summary Follow this format: Who? What? When? How/why?
Guidelines for Writing a Summary with Evidence For a one-paragraph summary, discuss each supporting point in a separate sentence. Give 1-2 explanations for each supporting point, summarizing the information from the original. For a multi-paragraph summary, discuss each supporting point in a separate paragraph. Introduce it in the first sentence (topic sentence).
Occupy Movements Part 2: Blog Work Write a summary on Occupy Wall Street & the economic crisis of 2008 based on your research You’ll be writing this for your blog You summary should include (see checklist below) A citations for the authors and source Main idea (paraphrased) Major supporting points Major supporting explanations
Guidelines for Writing a Summary Examples of frames: According to ___________________ (Name of source), ________________________________________. (author's last name) (main idea;) Morgana's article/video on ______________ discusses the ____________________. (topic) (main idea) In his/her article, "________________" argues that _______________________. (author's last name, ) (title of article/video (plug in main idea), (detail or supporting point)_____, (then you explain it)
Your Work with Summaries You’re working in 3s today for the last part of Occupy Wall Street You’ll need 1 facilitator to run this part of the session You’ll need 1 timer You’ll need 1 reporter
Your Work with Summaries Step 1: Take 3-4 mins to read this sample summary-You’re looking to find why this sample is an example of a good summary-highlight/annotate anything you find Step 2: Take 3 mins to Talk with each other about what you read and highlighted as examples of why this is a good summary Step 4: Take 3-4 mins to read your own summary- and highlight/annotate parts of yours that match the strong points on the sample one Step 5: Take 2 mins to highlight parts that are a work in progress