Adjective Agreement and Position In English, adjectives are always found in front of the noun, but most French adjectives follow the noun they change Most adjectives are placed after the noun E.g: Un livre rouge Some adjectives (not many) are placed before the noun, like in English. These are: Beauty Age Good and Bad Size They can be remembered by the acronym: BAGS All non-descriptive (negative, demonstrative, etc…) adjectives are placed before the noun E.g: Ces Livres Quel Stylo Placement depends on meaning: Some adjectives have a figurative and analytic(literal) sense and so can be placed on either side of the noun. Figurative: Before Analytical: After E.g : Figurative: mon ancienne école my old (former) school Literal: mon école ancienne my old (aged) school French adjectives change to agree in gender and number with the nouns that they modify, as a result of this there are four forms of each adjective. The forms of the adjectives depend mostly on the final letter(s) of the normal form. -The normal form=The masculine singular -Most French adjectives add E for feminine and S for plural. -This rule applies to adjectives that end in most consonants as well as all vowels with the exception of E without an accent (When the masculine singular adjective ends in an unaccented E, there is no difference between the masculine and feminine forms) E.g : Rouge -It also includes all regular and most past and present participles E.G : Adjective: bleu (blue) Masculine singular bleu Feminine singular bleue Masculine plural bleus Feminine plural bleues
Quiz les personnes a) âgés b) âgé c) âgée d) âgées les discours a) brèves b) brefs c) bref d) brève ton père a) furieu b) furieux c) furious d) furieuse les fleurs a) beau b) belle c) belles d) beaux