Take Out Binder with Paper Remember to use the Cornell Note-taking method.
Vocabulary Objectives - Today You will be able to: Record new vocabulary words utilizing Cornell note-taking method. Create original sentences using vocabulary words using notes.
Vocabulary Objectives – By the end of the week You will be able to: Match vocabulary words to definitions and use words in sentences without notes.
Remember: Cornell Notes Write down the words and definitions in your notebooks. Word in column in left and definition in column on right. Write down word used in a phrase or sentence. Write down roots and meanings.
Root FIN Latin FINIS, "end, limit, boundary“
1 - CONFINES Limits or boundaries Con= together + finis :boundary that holds together" As amazing as it may seem, the robber hid from the police in the cramped confines of the doghouse. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/confines
2 - REFINE v. To make more pure or precise L. re, "again," + finis = to give limits to agaill The way modern companies refine oil to make gasoline is very different from the methods used years ago. syn: purify, improve
3 - FINITE adj. Having an end or limit There was only a finite number of seats to the show, so Maria and Elena were thrilled when their tickets arrived in the mail
Root CLOS, CLUD, CLOIS Latin CLAUDERE, CLAUSUM, "to close off, to shut"
4 - DISCLOSE v. To reveal; make known L. dis, "not," + clausum = not closed off Businesses are not supposed to disclose personal information about their employees without permission. syn: divulge allt: conceal
5 - SECLUDE v. To put in a private place L. se, "apart," + claudere = to shut apart, separate During the game of hide-and-seek, Jeff secluded himself in the basement, and he was the last one found. syn: hide
6 - CLOISTER v. To shut away Even though Homer was one of the richest men in tile world, he cloistered himself away from all other people and died a lonely man. syn: isolate
Root TERM Latin TERMINUS, "end, limit"
Root TRACT Latin TRAHERE, TRACTUM, "to drag, to draw"
7 -
7 - v.
8 - INTERMINABLE adj. Seeming never to end L. in, "not," + terminus = not ending Although it seemed as if the wait for our plane to arrive was interminable; it actually lasted only two hours. syn: endless, unceasing
9 - INDETERMINATE adj. Not clear; not fixed L. in, "not," + de, "from," + termmus « not (clear) from its limits The scientists discovered a mummy that was so decayed that its gender was indeterminate. syn: indefinite ant: clear, definite
Root LIM Latin LIMEN, LIMINIS, "boundary, threshold"
10 - PRELIMINARY adj. Serving as a preparation; introductory L. pre, "before," + liminis = before the threshold Before the professional bowling tournament, Stephanie competed in the amateurs‘ preliminary tournament. syn: first ant: final
11 - SUBLIMINAL adj. Below the level of consciousness L. sub, "beneath," + liminis = beneath the threshold In that old book on differences among people, there is a subliminal message that one race is inferior to others, even though the book never actually states this. Syn: unconscious