Police Corruption “Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.” -Abraham Lincoln
Police Misconduct The abuse of police authority for personal and organizational gain.
Police Misconduct Violent Crimes High Denial of Civil Rights Criminal Enterprise Property Crimes Major Bribes Role Malfeasance Being Above the Law Minor Bribes Playing Favorites Gratuities Low
Police Misconduct Police misconduct has occurred throughout history, and various groups have identified several different types of misconduct and problems with policing. Several commissions have been established over time to evaluate police work, including:
Police Misconduct The Wickersham Commission-which criticized police for widespread corruption and misconduct; The Kerner Commission- which noted that police practices contributed to the civil unrest occurring in the 1960s, and suggested that officers engaged in unprofessional conduct through aggressive enforcement practices, inadequate training, poor supervision, and overzealous patrol practices;
Police Misconduct The Knapp Commission- speculated that half of the New York City Police Department engaged in corruption; The Christopher Commission- noted that the LAPD's failure to control police brutality largely contributed to the civil unrest that occurred in Los Angeles; The Mollen Commission- found that officers who engaged in the most serious forms of corruption began misbehaving as police officers through beating and abusing suspects.
Police Misconduct Research suggests that there are four types of police misbehavior. Police Crime which includes crimes committed by officers while on duty or through some aspect of their position. Occupational Deviance involves acts that can be legal or illegal, although they are deviant in nature. Police Corruption includes the misuse of authority for a cop's personal gain, or for the personal gain of others Abuse of Authority- their authority when they intentionally act to inflict harm upon others, or violate individual rights.
Police Use of Force The use of physical restraint by an officer when dealing with a member of the public. Excessive force- force greater than that required Less lethal weapon- weapon designed NOT to kill Deadly force- force likely to cause death or bodily harm Problem police officer- officer who has high rates of forceful incidents
Profiling and Bias Profiling- any action that is caused by race, ethnicity, etc. rather than the behavior of an individual