The Incas Seat work Please sit down, review pages, 602-607 answer: Incan society was organized into ______, or groups of related families. The people worked one third of their land to pay taxes. This system was called the____________. The Andeans raised _______ for meat and for use as pack animals.
The Incas Incan society was organized into ______, or groups of related families. ayllus The people worked one third of their land to pay taxes. This system was called the____________. mita system The Andeans raised _______ for meat and for use as pack animals. llamas
08/19/10 Introduction Chapter Introduction This chapter will introduce you to Early North and South America. You will learn about the history and culture of groups who lived in early North and South America. Section 1: The Incas Section 2: North American Cultures
How did the discovery of Juanita increase our knowledge of the Incas? 08/19/10 The Incas How did the discovery of Juanita increase our knowledge of the Incas? Item or Fact Importance Prompt students by asking what kinds of objects the archaeologists found when they discovered Juanita.
Key Ideas The geography of the Andes shaped Incan civilization. 08/19/10 The Incas Key Ideas The geography of the Andes shaped Incan civilization. The Incas had a highly organized government and society. The Incas’ achievements in government, engineering, and the arts place them among the world’s great civilizations.
08/19/10 The Incas Key Terms Andes—a mountain range along the western edge of South America terrace—a strip of level land that is planted with crops ayllu—a group of related families that pooled resources to meet people’s needs mita system—a system of paying taxes with labor Students should use the Word Wise feature for Section 1 of Early North and South America in their Student Journal to explore Key Terms.
08/19/10 The Incas Living in the Andes The Incas and others before them lived in the Andes mountain range. The Andes region is harsh. • The Andes climate is cold. • The mountain slopes are rocky and steep. • Thin air at high elevations makes breathing difficult. Explain that other Andean civilizations had preceded that of the Incas. However, the Incan civilization was the most complex and long-lasting.
08/19/10 The Incas Food Sources The Andean peoples raised crops along rivers. They also cut terraces into the hillsides to raise food. The Andeans hunted and fished. The Andeans raised llamas for meat and for use as pack animals.
Where was the empire’s center of government? 08/19/10 The Incas The Incan Empire Who were the Sapa Incas? When a people willingly joined the Incan empire, what were they allowed to keep? Where was the empire’s center of government? Point out the map of the Incan empire. Discuss how the Andes mountains shaped the empire. Have students locate Cuzco.
Incan Empire: Rise and Fall 08/19/10 The Incas Incan Empire: Rise and Fall How did the Incas use language to unify the empire? What led to the fall of the Incan empire?
08/19/10 The Incas Incan Architecture The Incas used huge blocks of stone for building. They cut the blocks to fit together perfectly. The Incan road system stretched more than 15,000 miles. The Incas built floating and hanging bridges.
08/19/10 The Incas Incan Arts and Crafts The Incas used gold and silver to create jewelry, dishes, statues, and wall decorations. The Incas wove textiles out of cotton, alpaca, and vicuña. The textiles had complex patterns and bright colors. Alpaca and vicuña are animals related to the camel.
Incan Science The Incas were skilled astronomers. 08/19/10 The Incas Incan Science The Incas were skilled astronomers. Incan astronomers used their knowledge to develop calendars.
Incan Society What were the main classes of Incan society? 08/19/10 The Incas Incan Society What were the main classes of Incan society? Who were the highest-ranking nobles? How were the common people organized?
The Economy of the Incas 08/19/10 The Incas The Economy of the Incas The Incas did not use money. Their economy was based on labor. Incan society was organized into ayllus, or groups of related families. Ayllu members worked one third of their land to pay taxes. This system was called the mita system. Explain that one of the remaining thirds of an ayllu's land was for the priests and gods. The other third was for the people.
Features of the Incan Empire 08/19/10 The Incas Features of the Incan Empire Student workbook page 245 Have students list at least two characteristics or achievements in each category. Remind them that this graphic organizer may be found in their Student Journals.