Cladograms and Hominid Skulls Unit Two, Day 12 Cladograms and Hominid Skulls
Opener 5 minutes With a partner, look at the cladogram passed out. Anapsid Synapsid Diapsid With a partner, look at the cladogram passed out. Identify FOUR THINGS you can say about the EVOLUTIONARY HISTORY or RELATEDNESS of the taxa shown in the cladogram. Anapsid- turtle no hole besides eyes and nose Synapsid- mammals jaw muscles: thrapsid is a mammal like reptile Diapsid- lizards- dinos Archosauria- crocs and dinos no holes turtles and mammals but ancesters did
Agenda Conferences Quick review: Reading Cladograms Mammals and Reptiles Conferences Making Cladograms Video Example Hominid Skulls Lab Report Due Next Class: will not accept late work on this!
Student Led Conferences Monday and Tuesday 8 AM to 8 PM My breaks will be from 12:15-1:00 and 5:30-6:15
Student Led Conferences Complete the reflection sheet Be honest, specific and detailed Use your grade printout to identify your grades, what LT’s you have mastered, and what assignments you have completed On your grade print out- HIGHLIGHT the Assessments you have a 2.5 or higher on Staple to the back of your reflection sheet
New Learning Targets I can analyze the data provided by a phylogenetic tree or cladogram to determine the evolutionary history of the organisms described in the diagram In short: I can read cladograms I can use a data set to create a cladogram that represents a reasonable hypothesis about the evolutionary history of a group of related organisms In short: I can make a cladogram
How to Make a Cladogram Identify taxa Identify synapomorphies Should select traits you think are homologies OR, select a genetic trait, and group by similarity Identify which taxa have which synapomorphy Group taxa by synapomorphy Helpful to use a chart or Venn diagram Begin to build your cladogram. This is when cross-referencing more than one source of info is important The fossil record can you order of species/group of organisms in the cladogram
Cladogram Video
Two-post orbital fenestrae Example Taxa Synapomorphies Sharks Bony Fishes Rodents Primates Amphibians Crocodiles Dinosaurs/Birds Vertebrae Bony skeleton Four legs Amniotic Egg Hair Two-post orbital fenestrae
2 post orbital fenestrae Vertebrae Bony Skeleton 4 Legs Amniotic Egg Hair 2 post orbital fenestrae Sharks Bony Fishes Rodents Primates Amphibians Crocodiles Dinos/Birds
Amphibians Rodents Crocs Dinos Bony Fishes Primates Sharks Hair 2POF Egg 4 legs Bony Skeleton Vertebrae
Hominid Skulls
20 minutes Skull Observations Each table will receive 2 skulls. Be CAREFUL. These are replicas, but still fragile and valuable Observe; record observations on white board. Look for: Traits discussed in the reading Things that can used to compare skulls (especially things that could be measured) GOAL: We want five or six traits (at least) that we can use to construct our cladogram. . .
Share out Traits we could potentially measure Brain Capacity Length of the jaw Muzzle Size U or V shaped Jaw Canines and Molars Sagittal Crest (skull hawk) Location of the Foraman magnum Flat face or Angled face Supra Orbital Ridge Zygomatic arch: prominent or not