Term 1 Topics; Read Aloud2 72-4- 12 Mai Sakai
Thomas Edison Had a wonderful brain Inventor Had big aim Thomas Edison Invention Had 400 patents Factory Engineer 1 Time:123 WPM:
The Human Eye Different pigments cones Visible spectrum The Human Eye Lens of eyes colors Retina Light & Vision 2 Time: 134 WPM:
American Farming Technology government Homestead act Land at almost American Farmer 1870 less produce Greatest food producer in the world Food & Nutrition 2 Time:102 WPM:
Starvation & Overeating Starvation problem Gold Rush Potato crop Developed world Amount of nutritious food Distribution system Food & Nutrition 4 Time: 147 WPM:
Scientific Method & Progress of Civilizations Egypt China European cultures Science Succession the world Science 1 Time:133 WPM:
The Atom & its Parts Science 3 Think about limit to smallness physicist Think about limit to smallness Invented scientific instrument atom The smallest recognized unit of matter 92 elements Science 3 Time:110 WPM:
Scientific Method & Progress of Civilizations Egypt China European cultures Science Succession the world Science 1 Time:133 WPM: