- Be able to explain what is meant by ‘Power’ &‘Politics’ Power and Politics LO: - Be able to explain what is meant by ‘Power’ &‘Politics’
Politics Politics occurs when they there are differences in power Any social relationship that involves differentials in power results in politics occurring - one might say ‘power struggles’
The battlefield of power So in a sense, ‘society’ is a ‘battlefield of power’, where people are ‘manoeuvring for power’ in order to be able to control their own lives (and –to some degree- the lives of others). Politics is just a move visible form of this struggle for power, because the ‘winner’ gets to control the State, which has monopoly over the legitimate use of physical force
Task Draw a battlefield of people you have relationships with, eg: Parents Siblings Partner Friends Teachers boss Try to put a percentage figure on how much power each of you have It needs to add up to 100% You can do it in your head if you think it is too personal to share Now those who don’t mind sharing tell us what you have put and why
Question for discussion Is there ever such a thing as equality of power in a relationship? Do power relationships tend to stay stable (i.e. unchanged)? What can give you power? What are the ways you can get power over others?
So politics is everywhere that power relations exist in following lessons we will relate this to the politics of the state
Well there’s plenty for us to discuss there in future The State Webers definition (accepted by most) A human community that successfully claims a monopoly on the legitimate use of physical force within a limited territory Well there’s plenty for us to discuss there in future