FACS 1 MY EMAIL: Classroom Rules: Mrs. Grenz Supply List BE ON TIME BE PREPARED BE RESPONSIBLE BE RESPECTFUL Website Address We will be using the Glencoe Applying Life Skills Textbook. You are responsible for the well being this book! All books are to be covered. My website will be your go-to spot for homework, extra help resources, printable papers, and much more. Mandan High 751-6501 Supply List spiral notebook 2 pocket folder FACS 1 Mrs. Grenz Grade Weights: Homework Policy Daily Work= 60%, Tests= 20%, 9 Weeks Test= 20% Homework will be given frequently. Late homework will result in point deductions (-5 pts per day) Use of Homework “Late Pass” allows full credit. Turning in late assignments will affect your grade! MY EMAIL: Beth.Grenz@msd1.org
Do you have a Food Allergy? Unit 2: Sewing Skills Aprons Clothing Care Unit 1: Making Money/Keeping Money Unit 3: Health and Wellness Ch 14 Staying Healthy and Fit Ch 15 How Nutrients Work Ch 16 Guidelines for Healthy Eating Ch 17 Meal Planning Unit 4: Working in the Kitchen Ch 18 Shopping, Storage and Sanitation Ch 19 Equipment and Safety Ch 20 Recipes and Measuring Unit 5: From Kitchen to Table Ch 21 Basic Cooking Techniques Ch 22 Preparing Grains, Fruits and Vegetables Ch 23 Preparing Protein Foods Ch 24 Meal Planning Unit 6: Sewing Skills Pajama Pants **Extra Cost Involved** EXTRA HELP If you are having trouble, come talk to me as soon as possible. I will work with you to schedule a time for extra help, assignment extension or extra credit work. My free time is 5th period and email address is: Beth.Grenz@msd1.org. Do you have a Food Allergy? Let me know!!! Period 5: MY FREE TIME
I have read and understand the course guide. FACS I Course Guide I have read and understand the course guide. Yes, I have a food allergy to…… _________________________________ Student Name Student Signature _____________ Date Clip and Save! Yes, I would like to use REMIND. I prefer Email Cell Text No, thank you. _________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name _____________________________________ Cell Phone Email Address Parent/Guardian Signature _____________ Date