Fighting for Independence


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Presentation transcript:

Fighting for Independence Chapter 4, Section 4

Fort Ticonderoga- 1775 Vermont militiamen stormed the British fort. Led by Ethan Allen Winning the fort supplied them with cannons and other weapons.

Battle of Bunker Hill- 1775 General Gage(British) wanted to drive American forces from high strategic ground, north of Boston. Took two attempts for British success. Three times as many casualties for the British.

Continental Army At the Second Continental Congress an attempt to unite forces was successful George Washington appointed to lead the new Continental Army.

Who’s What?? 1/3 of the colonists were Patriots(pro-colonies). 1/3 were loyalists, or Tories(pro-British). 1/3 neutral

Strengths British: Colonists: Trained Equipped Navy Mercenaries Own territory Familiar with tactics

Battle of Trenton By October of 1776 New York was under British control. Christmas Night of 1776: 2,400 soldiers ferried across the Delaware River. Captured entire British force at Trenton while losing only 5 men!!