African Rulers
Tunka Manin 1062-1076 King of Ghana Ghana at peak of power and wealth Held off Almoravid attacks Expanded empire Salt more valuable than gold
Collapse of Ghana Rebels from neighboring conquered territories fought back Almoravids ruined soil with overgrazing Almoravids invaded, cutting off trade routes and weakening the economy
Sundiata Keita 1235-1255 Founder of Mali empire Built army before conquering and destroying Kumbi
Sunni Ali 1464=1492 Songhai Gao became Songhai Unified and strengthened empire Brought stability and peace powerful and harsh ruler
Mansa Musa 1312=1337 Mali Mansa means sultan Spread Islam through large areas of West Africa Went on Hajj Made Mali famous in Europe, Asia, and Africa Supported education, Qur’an, Arabic Timbuktu center of education
Askia the Great 1493-1529 Songhai Birth name Muhammad Ture Restored Timbuktu center of universities- science, math, law Blind at 80 Divided empire into provinces Son Musa forced from power
Askia the Great