14 January 2016 Ms. Smith CCR English 10 Writer’s Notebook Propaganda Essay Term Review 14 January 2016 Ms. Smith CCR English 10 I can evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric.
YOUR TURN Although more than one propaganda technique was used in the following advertisement, only identify one to write about in your essay. (Identify one propaganda technique) Analyze the advertisement/text and use specific details from the advertisement/text to support your analysis. (Analyze specific details and support) Explain the importance or significance of the propaganda technique you’re writing about in your essay. (Why’s it important?) Remember to write a conclusion that restates the prompt in totally different words. (Conclude) You may choose to write this by yourself or with your partner. It should be a three paragraph essay. Each paragraph should contain no less than five sentences. When finished, hang on to your notebook.
Publicis Paris
In a shocking advertisement, Publicis Paris manages to disturb the viewer by showing a terrifying image of a young girl hurt in a car accident. The image, of course, has been photoshopped for effect. Publicis Paris uses emotional propaganda to make viewers more aware of their own actions on the road.
Emotional propaganda is about appealing to the audience through something we respect or cherish. Children are highly valued in our society, so we want to keep them safe. The advertiser has taken the image of a sad, little child and distorted it. Her head has been digitally crushed in as a metaphor for the damage done to cars in accidents. It makes the viewer realize that children are easily damaged. The advertiser is also playing on the shock value of the image.
The advertisement seems so realistic; it hurts the viewer to see a child in pain. The words “…car accidents don’t just happen to cars” appear on the advertisement too (Publicis Paris). This slogan helps to emphasize the need to slow down while driving. The advertiser uses emotional propaganda because it is one of the most effective types. It stirs us so deeply that we feel compelled to listen.
Advertisers used emotional propaganda in an advertisement about safe driving. It shows a damaged girl with such shock value that the viewer feels obligated to listen. Although more than one type of propaganda technique is used in the advertisement, it is evident that emotional was the most affective. Because of the horrific nature and truth of the advertisement, the viewer feels compelled to slow down.
Test Review Pick one of the terms we have reviewed this week. This term can be from the notes in your notebook or from your Propaganda and Fallacy packet we’ve worked on in class. Create a poster using a sheet of computer paper. On the same side, write your term, a paraphrase of the definition, an example to help explain the term, and a drawing that helps show your understanding of the term. Don’t forget you have a test tomorrow over these terms
Friday Test / SSR / Novel Case File Homework Friday Test / SSR / Novel Case File Grammar Booklets: Remember that it is 10% off for each day it is late. Because we do not have school on Monday, Tuesday (1/19) will be the last day that I take anyone’s work.