VERB IN PRESENT PERFECT Verbs in the Present Perfect divided into two groups: regular verbs (those who receive the ending -ed or -d): e.g. work - worked irregular verbs e.g. go - went - gone
Present Perfect we use when we want to express something that: happened in the past, but important it's now, e.g. I've talked to her, so she knows what's going on.
occurred to now, e.g. She has drunk six cups of coffee today. is a message, e.g. The President has left the country.
Structure Affirmative sentences The operator of affirmative sentences in the sentence is HAVE. Keep in mind that the people he / she / it shall take the form HAS, e.g. He has married Kamila.
Interrogative sentences Interrogative sentences we construct with inversion, that we change order in a sentence.HAVE operator now takes the first position in the sentence. e.g. Have you found the keys?
Nagative sentences Negative sentences have the same structure as affirmative sentences, but the operator HAVE / HAS add NOT, e.g. Karol hasn't called the police.
Yes, she has; No, we haven't; No, she hasn't. Short answers, e.g. Yes, we have; Yes, she has; No, we haven't; No, she hasn't.
Magdalena Groszek Katarzyna Ceglarz