Pg. 61 (68 Honors) Using the Gateway textbook pages 172-173 1.) Define and explain the functions of each of these wartime agencies: -War Industries Board -Food Administration - Fuel Administration - National War Labor Board - Committee on Public Information 2.) Give and explain two ways in which America raised money for the war.
Pg. 62 (Honors 69) Using the McGraw Hill Textbook pages 191-192 Write 1 paragraph for each of the acts below explaining what each act was, whether or not you agree with it, and why it could or could not happen today. Espionage Act Sedition Act Selective Service Act Discuss with your partner about whether or not they agree with these acts. After discussing these acts with them did you change your opinion? Did it strengthen your views? Write 1 paragraph debriefing what you and your partner discussed.
Pg. 63 (Honors 70) New technologies foldable: Using the Gateway text pg. 168-169 Directions: Fold your paper into 1/6s. Title the first square “WWI: New Ways of War”. For the remaining 5 squares title them with one of the titles below and respond to the prompts for each. Titles Trench Warfare Poison Gas Tanks Aircraft U-Boats Prompts Describe this new aspect of war and how it was employed. Is this still utilized in war today? If so how has it changed; if not, why not? Do you feel this new aspect of war was ethical? Explain. How might this have impacted the way future wars were fought? Illustrate this aspect of war.
Pg. 64 (Honors 71) Using the Gateway textbook pages 175-177 Create a chart to describe life both at home and at war for these groups of Americans. Group Homefront At War Women African Americans Native Americans Asian Americans Hispanic Americans Germans Americans Jewish Americans
Pg. 65 (Honors 72) Wilson’s 14 Points Using the Gateway textbook pages 178-179 List the 14 points in YOUR OWN WORDS! Answer the following question: In what ways did the Fourteen Points represent American values? Use specific evidence from the Fourteen Points to support your answer.