Definition Prohibition -the prevention by law of the manufacture and sale of alcohol Notice that it doesn’t say CONSUMPTION of alcohol!?!?!?
National prohibition came into effect in Canada from 1918-1920 as a wartime measure Throughout the 1920s, provinces repealed prohibition at their discretion PEI was the last province to repeal prohibtion in 1948
Province/Territory Repealed Alberta 1924 British Columbia 1921 Manitoba New Brunswick 1856 1927 Newfoundland (not part of Canada until 1949) Nova Scotia 1929 Ontario Prince Edward Island 1948 Quebec 1919 Saskatchewan 1925 Yukon 1920
Reasons for Prohibition 1. Temperance movement wanted to close all drinking establishments, which they viewed as the source of societal ills and misery Woman’s Christian Temperance Union of Canada believed that poverty, crime, disease and domestic abuse would stop in a dry society
Reasons for Prohibition Rationing -with so much food and products needed for the war effort, the federal government enacted legislation to preserve products for the war Instead of things like wheat going toward alcohol, they were now going toward food
Reasons for Prohibition Efficiency For people still working in Canada in industries that were important to the war effort, such as the munitions industry or the farming industry, efficiency was very important and the effects of alcohol were definitely a hindrance to this efficiency Strong workforce = strong military (2 min)