Differentiation by Learning Style Topic: _______________ Describe it! Describe the topic in your own words. Compare it! What is it similar to? Different from? Associate it! What does the topic make you think of? Analyze it! How does it work? Why is it significant? Apply it! How does it help you better understand the story / concept / issue? Argue for or Against it! Use any kind of reasoning, silly or rational, to take a stand for or against the topic. This template is adapted from the “cubing” strategy. Cubing is an instructional strategy that asks students to consider a concept from a variety of different perspectives. One option for using the strategy is to require students to complete a square as an exit ticket. Another option is to separate each level of understanding into a breakout room. Students can move through the BO rooms, adding their contribution to the board. Steps to using this strategy: Write 6 questions that ask for information on the selected unit / topic. Use your 6 levels of Bloom, intelligence levels, or any of the cubing statements to design questions. Make questions that use these levels that probe the specifics of your unit / topic. Keep one question opinion based-no right or wrong. Click here for more sample questions using Bloom’s Taxonomy: http://iss.schoolwires.com/cms/lib4/NC01000579/Centricity/Domain/1366/BloomQuestions_000.pdf
More sample questions based on Blooms Taxonomy… http://iss.schoolwires.com/cms/lib4/NC01000579/Centricity/Domain/1366/BloomQuestions_000.pdf