Read “1.3” and note important concepts. Practice, ___ for 5 Read “1.3” and note important concepts. Pick 3; write a statement at 5 levels of Bloom’s taxonomy.
Bloom’s Taxonomy Taxonomy: a classification into ordered categories: a proposed taxonomy of educational objectives.
Bloom’s Taxonomy
1 for 5, Artisan Knowledge: Artisans are the skilled workers who craft objects with their hands. Comprehension: They were important because they produced items for trade, building wealth. Application: Artisans were specialists, as were similar jobs like scribes and merchants. Analysis: Artisans indicate prosperity in a society because they had time to specialize w/o producing food. (Synthesis): (I usually skip this one.) Artisans could star in a ________ show about __________ because _____. Evaluation: Artisans were critical to early cities; the more varied and numerous the artisans, the better for everyone because ...