Week 12-1 Reauthoring NJ Kang
1. Describe three types of reading copyright 2006 www.brainybetty.com 5/25/2019
Three types of reading Preferred reading Negotiated Reading Oppositional Reading copyright 2006 www.brainybetty.com 5/25/2019
Preferred Reading Understand and accept story structure and characters from the authour’s view point copyright 2006 www.brainybetty.com 5/25/2019
Negotiated Reading Understand and accept story structure and characters from the authour’s view point partially copyright 2006 www.brainybetty.com 5/25/2019
Oppositional Reading Understand and accept story structure and characters from the Reader’s view point DECONSTRUCTION copyright 2006 www.brainybetty.com 5/25/2019
Think about little red riding hood. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MpL1C7ljzo0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGaGNGtERrg copyright 2006 www.brainybetty.com 5/25/2019
Meaning Was associated with immediacy of presence, especially apparent when using the inner voice of consciousness.
The inner voice of consciousness ?
Logocentrism The word was given final consciousness and without the mediation of presence or internal meaning. Writing is indirect and removed from the silent conversation of consciousness
Phonocentrism We speak the words of a text through dramatic modes, spoken words seem to come from a real being. The logos of the text is deconstructed through the phonocentrism of voice and actor.
Dramatic arts should be seen rather as a conversion or dialogue, as a mediator between text and audience
Deconstruction is the politics of Metaphor. A word is not taken at its face value nor can it be given a fixed meaning. Table? Including multiplicity and nonclosure
Re-authoring the text through drama Reconstructing the taken for granted assumptions. Gender Race Social positions Social and cultural values.
An in-role position Is re-authoring in the drama. Lifting a character out of the text, inserting a character based on the gender, race, and /or political interest, etc.