Learn some of the essential beliefs of the Transcendentalists Objective: Learn some of the essential beliefs of the Transcendentalists
What are some essential beliefs of the Transcendentalists? Look at the quotes on the wall – based on these quotes jot down some of the things you think the Transcendentalists believe. Then take a minute to discuss these ideas with your partner – Add to your list as needed.
Let’s make sure we all are on the same page – Discuss ideas as a class Let’s make sure we all are on the same page – Discuss ideas as a class. Did you come up with: Being an Individual/nonconformist? Being one with nature? Simplicity? Confident? Able to Speak your mind? Transcending/leaving your physical body to become one with the universe? Celebrates America and being an American?
Dig Deeper Go back and choose one of the quotes – In a well written paragraph discuss what you think this quote means and how it applies (or doesn’t) to your life
“The Tide Rises, the Tide Falls”
Transcendentalism in Poetry Complete the worksheet on “The Tide Rises and the Tide Falls” Use your notes from earlier to fill in the chart about Characteristics of Romantic Writing
Let’s see if you learned some of the basic beliefs of the Transcendentalists Exit Slip – List 3 basic beliefs of the Transcendentalists on a half sheet of paper and turn it in the basket before you leave today!