Module 1 Prepared by: Anna Vinogradova Entrepreneurship Module 1 Prepared by: Anna Vinogradova
Think about it… Did you ever wish that you were your own boss? Did you ever think about starting your own business? Did you ever think of inventing a product or service and pitching it to a company? Do you consider yourself innovative? *If you answered yes to at least one of these questions, then you might consider becoming an entrepreneur.
Let’s define Entrepreneurship and discover whether you have what it takes to become a successful entrepreneur.
What is Entrepreneurship? Entrepreneur is derived from the French word ”entreprendre,” which means to undertake something.
Who is an Entrepreneur? A person who creates a new product or service, or improves an existing product or service, and then sets up a business to market it. In other words, an Entrepreneur is someone who sees an opportunity and starts a business to take advantage of that opportunity.
Think about it… Do you know any entrepreneurs? Name an entrepreneur that you admire and explain why?
Famous garage start-ups:
The 15 Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs Watch the following video on and take notes:
It’s not just a business Rather, entrepreneurs have a set of personal characteristics that make them stand out from the crowd: Determination Not afraid to take risks Confidence Like to learn Understand failure Passionate Adaptable Good networking skills Ability to promote his or her ideas Understand the importance of money management
Do you have what it takes? Take the following BDC Quiz to find out how much of entrepreneur you are: toolkit/business-assessments/pages/self-assessment-test- your-entrepreneurial-potential.aspx?page=Home
Finally: Why do you think people become entrepreneurs? Discuss whether you would consider opening your own business.