Building Your Local UMW Organization Check to see how many officers you will have. Check their talents and abilities. Have your nomination committee ask them to take officer positions. Create an event and have an installation program. An order for the installation of UMW officers, Use the Book of Discipline for Guidance.
Spiritual Growth This changes as officers change
DISTRICT UMW ORGANIZATION must be informed of Local UMW Organization officers Local UMW Organization President: Coordinate with Local UMW members Verify the planning for future planned activities. Insure all required activities are executed. Be accessible and willing to listen to local UMW members. Great ideas come from each of us. Respect new ideas and suggestions.
Vice President Plans Programs Coordinates Communicates
Treasurers Responsibility Manage bank accounts Identify unit Five Star Mission requirements: Pledge to Mission Special Mission Recognition Pins Gifts to MISSION Gift in Memory World Thank Offering
Treasurer Manages the local UMW Organization funds Collects Pledges Orders Special Mission Pins and in memory requests Send funds to district UMW treasurer quarterly. District UMW Treasurers send forward quarterly funds to Conference Balance and account for all funds in December
Treasurers Remittance Form For Local UMW Organization Treasurers to Conference
Pledge Card Format
Special Mission Recognition Pins
Membership Outreach & Nurture Remember Officers change so check your directory but please send the report on time!
Bible Ref: Numbers 1: 1-4 & 26: 2-4 Census Taking
Education & Interpretation
Social Actions
Program Resources
Communications Coordinator
Nominations Chairperson
Members At Large Participate in helping others to complete items Updating Bylaws Bringing in new ideas Etc…
All Our Local UMW Organizations Most of all we do this because we know as long as there is a hungry child, a woman without spiritual support, or a youth in need we have not completed our mission, what we set out to do with God’s direction and help.
Blessings and Safe Travel