Socratic seminars
What is it? A discussion with a small group of people over a certain topic. Usually there is a main question that has no real answer, but it is a question that sparks a discussion with lots of opinions. Everyone in the group is expected to participate and openly exchange ideas. There is no “right” or “wrong” answer to come up with.
Before the seminar An article (or more than one) is chosen to read and analyze. Students underline important text, circle key words, and summarize paragraphs. Students use Cornell notes, or another note taking system, and write down their thoughts or connections to the text(s).
Before the seminar Students write down 3 questions or comments that they want to contribute to the discussion.\ Examples: “What does it mean that……” What do you think about……” How would you…….” Why is _______ important……”
During the seminar One person will start with one of their questions to get the conversation going. The conversation will last for 5-6 minutes (I will time you). The goal is for each person to speak at least once- contributing to the conversation in a useful way. Reference the articles on your discussion- use your Cornell notes over the articles.
During the seminar Not sure what to say? Ask questions to probe deeper into the conversation. “John has a good point. What do you think about this….” Clarify. “I think Jill means _______ when she said.” Paraphrase and add. “Donna said _________. I agree with her and I also think……” Synthesize. Based on what Mike and Beth said I think a good idea would be……”
During the seminar Show respect for each other’s ideas, comments, and questions. Allow each speaker to finish and do not interrupt. Nod, make eye contact, lean forward, listen carefully to others. Refer to the texts often- as much as you can- to make a point or solidify the conversation. “In the first article, in paragraph 2, the author says….”
Is this a grade?? Yes! See paper rubric for how I will evaluate you.
Cornell Notes Topic/Objective: Socratic seminar Side 1: 2 questions over article 1: “No More Homework.” In Notes section site paragraphs and any other information you’d like to possibly discuss tomorrow. Side 2: 2 questions over article 2: “Too Much Homework-maybe not.” In Notes section site paragraphs and any other information you’d like to possibly discuss tomorrow.