How Question - Persuasive Techniques Ob: understand how to identify persuasive techniques
Example: imagery to paint in image in your mind “have a shot with a guy from Russia” What he’s REALLY saying: Seems like travelling gives you new experiences, unique situations, unexpected events…
Technique: exaggeration/hyperbole or superlatives (the most - est words) Why it’s persuasive: Technique: imperatives (Get yours…, Go and..., Make it happen...) Why it’s persuasive: Technique: imagery to paint in image in your mind Why it’s persuasive: Technique: personal anecdotes Get yours…, Go and..., Make it happen...) Why it’s persuasive: Technique: lists of three Why it’s persuasive: Technique: direct address (you, we, us, our) Why it’s persuasive:
A2. Rianne Walker is trying to persuade us to travel more A2. Rianne Walker is trying to persuade us to travel more. How does she try to do this? You should comment on: what she says to influence readers; her use of language and tone; the way she presents her argument. [10]
A2. Explain WHY it’s persuasive! Traveling increases our knowledge and widens our perspective. Don’t you want to know more than your limited perspective? To view new customs, ideas, different ways of living, is fantastic for the mind. It gives us a new viewpoint about life and especially our life, it can help us change some of our habits or even create new ones. Delete the old hard-drive of habitual, old ideas! A2. Opinion (that sounds like a fact) (declarative) Ten marks means 7-8 quotations at the LEAST Explain, comment and analyse HOW language is used for effect HOW is structure used to achieve effects USE SUBJECT TERMINOLOGY Top Tip! Explain WHY it’s persuasive! Personal pronouns - “you” (direct address) Exaggeration/imagery Rhetorical question Extension: what is another technique not mentioned? WHY is it important? Extension: how does the author use TONE to sound more excited?
What it should look like… Walker first persuades us by beginning with a rhetorical question, “Don’t you want to know more than your limited perspective?” exaggerates how people who don’t travel are “limited” which reminds the reader that someone who doesn’t travel is like having a kind of disability. As well, her list of three “new customs, ideas, different ways of living” emphasises that it makes it seem like travelling gives you lots of different experiences that are endless.
What it should look like… HOW the technique is used The effect and outcome it has on the reader. Techniques What it should look like… Walker first persuades us by beginning with a rhetorical “Don’t you want to know more than your limited perspective?” is used by Walker to exaggerate how people who don’t travel are “limited” like having a kind of disability. As well, her list of three “new customs, ideas, different ways of living” emphasises that it makes it seem like travelling gives you lots of different experiences that are endless.
What it should look like… Walker first persuades us by beginning with a strong opinion, “travelling widens our knowledge” which sounds like a fact. The word “widens” makes it feel like we’re growing. Her rhetorical “Don’t you want to know more than your limited perspective?” exaggerates how people who don’t travel are “limited” like having a kind of disability. As well, her list of three “new customs, ideas, different ways of living” makes it seem like endless possibilities when you travel and it’s exciting and unpredictable.
What it should look like… HOW the technique is used The effect and outcome it has on the reader. Techniques What it should look like… Walker first persuades us by beginning with a strong opinion, “travelling widens our knowledge” which sounds like a fact. The word “widens” is imagery makes it feel like we’re growing. Walker’s rhetorical “Don’t you want to know more than your limited perspective?” is used by Walker to exaggerate how people who don’t travel are “limited” like having a kind of disability. As well, her power of three “new customs, ideas, different ways of living” emphasises that it seems like endless possibilities when you travel and it’s exciting and unpredictable.