3.3 Modernisation of Social Statistics


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Presentation transcript:

3.3 Modernisation of Social Statistics DSS Meeting 20-21 September 2012

Integrated System of Social Surveys Previous activities (EPSS): streamlining of supporting instruments Common framework legislation Common approach to financial support Common programming Current activities: substance matter integration via modularisation Splitting into modules: criteria for modularisation, example of AES Recomposing modules: What: user consultation on crossings between topics, subpopulations, need for a longitudinal component How: Methodological studies on sampling design and estimation in survey systems based on partial sample overlaps

Integrated System of Social Surveys: next steps For DSS in spring 2013: Splitting all social surveys into modules (taking into account developments as regards LFS, SILC and other social surveys) Identify the variables/modules repeated in several social surveys Identify desirable joint distributions Until end 2013: Developing scenarios for integration Developing pilots for testing at national level Preparing proposals for harmonisation of first set of concepts/ modules

Statistical data matching Assessing the feasibility of using EQLS & ESS for providing cross- cutting information on quality of life (finalised) Complementing regional estimates for poverty and health indicators by small area estimations (finalised) Assessing the quality of the wage information collected in LFS and studying the feasibility of enhancing this information with SILC matched wages (ongoing) Producing integrated statistics on income, consumption and wealth based on SILC, HBS and HFCS (ongoing) General conclusion: ex post matching faces several challenges  opportunities arise from statistical matching that is planned ex ante

Other strands of work LFS and SILC review Multimode data collection: Kick-off meeting of ESSnet (DE – DK, NL, FI, UK, NO) scheduled for 11-12 October 2012 Re-use of existing data for statistical purposes: see ESS VIP Administrative data Development of reliable and up-to-date sampling frames Presentation given to Conference of European statisticians in the framework of the seminar on challenges for future population and housing censuses

Governance and communication structure Strategic level DSS (all Member States) SDG (subgroup to provide strategic orientation for entire modernisation programme) Technical level Technical Group (all Member States) Coordination of modernisation activities, cross-cutting issues Expert Group on Streamlining Social Surveys

Issues for discussion Completeness of modernisation project Orientation of ongoing work Desirability of technical group to be created