Welcome! 6th Grade Science Mrs. Sostarics
Contact Information Email: ssostarics@d41.org Teacher Website: http://sostarics.weebly.com 630-534-7483
My Family
Units of Study Safety Measurement/Metric Science Process Skills NGSS Science and Engineering Practices Chemistry (NGSS Unit) Plate Tectonics (NGSS Unit) Energy (NGSS Unit) – If time allows PBL at some point (TBD)
Typical Progression Through Units Pre-Test SMART Goal Setting Instruction/Labs/Practice Detailed Feedback Assessments (Formative) Reflection on Learning/Goal Assessment(s) (Summative) Final Goal/Unit Reflection Everything is Aligned with Targets/Standards
Assessment OF Learning (Summative Assessment) ACADEMIC GRADES Assessments designed to provide information about a student’s achievement at the end of a period of instruction. Could include tests, projects, performances, etc. These provide scores, which are calculated into the final grade. It is important that students are graded on the Assessment OF Learning pieces only, as they reflect what is ultimately learned at the end of the unit.
ACADEMIC GRADING SCALE 95%-100% = Exceptional (5) 85%-94% = Proficient (4) 75%-84% = Satisfactory (3) 67%-74% = Beginning (2) 66% and below = Unsatisfactory (1)
Assessments FOR Learning (Formative Assessments) WORK HABITS Assessments designed to provide direction for improvement and/or adjustment to a program for individual students or for a whole class. Could include self-checks, labs, initial drafts/attempts, homework, and questions during instruction. They are meant to be risk-free. They should not be calculated into the final academic grade.
WORK HABITS - ASSIGNMENTS 5 = Above and beyond 4 = On time, followed ALL expectations 3 = On time, followed most expectations 2 = 1-3 school days late, few expectations followed 1 = 4 or more school days late, very poor quality, incomplete, missing
6th Grade Science Homework (Assessment FOR Learning) Written assignments are given intermittently and are related to labs and class work. On days when written homework is not assigned, students could spend 5-10 minutes reflecting on the day’s content (perhaps sharing what they have learned with someone at home) thinking about their SMART goal set for the current unit NO TEXTBOOK for science What if homework is not turned in? How will you know? PLEASE check my website (homework and extra copies of handouts)