2015 Text 1 Q.a
Q(i) –three challenges Equality for Africa – this is a big idea, one of the largest continents, first generation that has the ability to change, problem that has existed for many years, if we start others will follow, problem that could and should be fixed, needs to be faced head on Fix the problems they can – we cannot “fix every problem”, challenges students to fix the problems they have the capacity to fix “if we can, we must”, everyone is needed to help solve problems like “unfair trade”, doing things together is more effective that trying to implement change separately Pursue their dreams to benefit others – Discover what this generation can do to effect change – Decide what to do with their lives outside university – “what are you willing to spend your moral capital … on?”, accepts students have a degree of knowledge, wants them to look deeply into where they want to go and what they want to do End poverty and disease in Africa – “I believe that this generation can do this”, calls out students to stop making excuses as to why we can’t help those, emphasises potential deaths of children in Africa to add emphasis to argument, first generation with “cash” and “life saving drugs” to help others New ideas are expensive in many ways -