Essay Structure Review Writing an Argumentative Essay
Introduction: upside down triangle Hook: no “the sky is blue” comments, cheesy quotation, or rhetorical question Context: discuss the topic broadly, possibly explain different sides, get the reader ready to hear your argument Thesis: your clear and concise position/argument To fully understand gender, society must look at how it is both socially constructed and based on biological processes. While many people believe in a traditional explanation of gender being based in biology, in reality it is completely socially constructed.
Body: not limited to three paragraphs! Use PIE Structure Point: (aka topic sentence) one arguable point that supports your thesis Even before a baby is born, his/her parents and those around them begin the gendering process, creating assumptions, expectations, and clear categories of identity to which they feel the baby should adhere.
Body cont. Information: piece of evidence to support your point/topic sentence. Often this is drawn from an outside source (though not always). It could be a quotation, paraphrase, statistic, discussion of a current or historical event, etc. If pulling from an outside source, you must be sure to spend a moment introducing this source before you quote it. This topic of the gendering process happening socially even before birth is presented in the article “Welcome to Your World Baby” by Lynda Willer, in which she creates a study to observe how baby greeting cards send different messages about girl versus boy babies.
Body Cont. Now you can smoothly integrate a quotation using a signal phrase and proper parenthetical citation. Willer points out that “…while the babies are not doing the actual receiving of the message, they are going to be the recipients of these perpetuated gender expectations via family, friends and the mass media” (344).
Body Cont. Explanation: first interpret the quotation. Close read it. Get some mileage out of it! Then write your analysis. Explain how the quotation supports the point/topic sentence and flesh out the rest of your support for it.
Body cont. In her study, Willer found that the words used, the colors, and the images on cards designed specifically for boy babies reinforced stereotypical ideas about masculinity such as that boy babies are active, adventurous, and should play with trucks and sports equipment (342). Similarly, girl cards reinforced female gender stereotypes of passivity, physical beauty, and sweet temperament (343). If the adults in this baby’s life are already building expectations of what this child should be, based preconceived ideas of gender rather than responding to that baby’s individuality, then it can certainly be argued that the gender of that child is being socially constructed…. End with reminding the reader of that topic sentence again.
Conclusion: don’t let your paper fizzle out! Tip: start the paragraph with a good transition word/phrase. Avoid “in conclusion.” Other good choices are: ultimately, thus, in all, in sum, all in all, consequently, on the whole. Restate your thesis argument (not word for word). Recap main supporting ideas as needed
Conclusion cont. Leave the reader with an idea of the significance of your writing. Why does it matter to think about/talk about/write about these ideas? What does society stand to gain? Because we see gender as such a normal and even natural part of life, most people might never critically examine their beliefs around gender and how their behaviors, attitudes, and perceptions of the sexes are in great deal created by the outside world. But looking into these deeply internalized beliefs can help us as a society to become more accepting of those who do not fit into traditional gender stereotypes and create more freedom for everyone to choose a life that best suits themselves free of discrimination.