Sentence Structure
CLAUSES Independent Clauses Dependent Clauses + = + = A dependent clause is a group of words that contains a subject and verb but DOES NOT express a complete thought. A dependent clause cannot be a sentence. Non Example: When Jim studied at Starbucks for his English quiz . An independent clause is a group of words that contains a subject and verb and expresses a complete thought. An independent clause is a sentence all on its own. Example 1: The dog barks. subject verb subject verb Example: When Jim studied at Starbucks for his English quiz, it was very noisy . The phrase “it as very noisy” completes the thought about Jim at Starbucks. + = Independent Clause Example 2: Although I had tickets, I did not go to the show. But wait…there’s not a complete thought. What happened when he studied? subject verb + = Independent Clause
Let’s Practice! Take 4 minutes and jot down the answers for 1-6 (are they dependent or independent clauses?)– we’ll go over them shortly! Jane went to the store. Robert thought about. Susan jumped over. Edward danced all night. When Michael took a jog. When Shebreyante saw a dog, she pet it. Independent Dependent Dependent Independent Dependent Independent
Three Types of Sentences Simple Sentence Complex Sentence Compound Sentence
Types of Sentences Independent clause = Simple sentence Ex: I love ice cream. Independent clause + Dependent clause = Complex Sentence Ex: When it’s hot out, I love ice cream. Independent clause + Independent clause = Compound Sentence Ex: I love ice cream, and I adore chocolate cake.
Let’s Practice... Turn to a partner and tell them what type of sentences the following are (simple, compound, or complex?) We’ll go over in 4 minutes. When it’s cold out, I love hot chocolate. Whenever it rains, I run for an umbrella! I really love the snow, but Spring is my favorite season. It’s really beautiful outside. Complex Complex Compound Simple
Coordinating Conjunctions Coordinating Conjunctions connect independent clauses. There are 7 coordinating conjunctions that link sentences. YET NOR BUT OR FOR AND SO F A N B O Y S
FANBOYS Examples Example 1: I went to the store and I bought some milk. Example 2: Last night I watched TV, but not my favorite show. Example 3: Sarah will go to the mall or she will go to the movies. Example 4: Annie had no parents, nor did Simba have a mother and father. Example 5: I show you tomorrow, for you are my best friend. Example 6: Tom had trouble with his homework, yet he finished it before it was due. Example 7: The class wanted to get their requirements so they could go to Disneyland.