Log on to Typing.com Type for 10 Minutes. Thursday, October 25th Log on to Typing.com Type for 10 Minutes.
Check to see if you need to RESUBMIT your Research Facts. Log on to Edmodo Check to see if you need to RESUBMIT your Research Facts. If you do, make sure you correct it and resubmit it today in class..
Choose the appropriate section(s) below: Go to Slide 4 Resubmitting – for info on your Research Facts Go to Slide 5 Newman Account - if your Research Facts received a grade Go to Slide Visuals - if you were unsuccessful with your Newman Account Logon
Resubmit Research Facts Reasons for Resubmission: - Header & Footer - Website is .com - Not completed Resubmit Research Facts WHY ….
Corrections in Word Open your saved Research Facts in your file folder and make proper corrections and than resubmit it after you have saved.
Sign Out or Lock your NIAM Student Account Sign Out or Lock your NIAM Student Account. Check to see if you have “Other User” as an option to sign in. Newman Accounts
If you have this as an option….. Other User If you have this as an option….. Select Other User Type in your Username as firstname.lastname@newmanacademy.org
If you have this as an option….. Other User If you have this as an option….. Type in your Password as new2day!
RESEARCH VISUALS Large Image Slide Place your visuals in your word Document named Research Visuals. Provide the complete website to where you found it as the source. You will save the image by right clicking and selecting “Save image as”
RESEARCH VISUALS Save in your Research file folder. Large Image Slide RESEARCH VISUALS Save in your Research file folder.