How do we learn to connect with others in a new place? Interactive Review How do we learn to connect with others in a new place? How does this question apply to the characters in Viva New Jersey? How does Lucinda make a connection with Ashley? Why is it important to connect with people in a new place?
What draws us to people and things around us and makes us care? Interactive Review What draws us to people and things around us and makes us care? How do people transform from strangers to friends? What kinds of interests and values do friends share in common? How do people show comradeship with their friends?
Define the following words: Interactive Review Amazing Words Define the following words: Enormous Administrations Recuperation Imminent Comradeship Transition Amend Transform Variation Alteration Use two or more amazing words in a sentence. Share these sentences with your group.
Tell how two things are alike and different. Clue words or phrases: Interactive Review Compare and Contrast: Tell how two things are alike and different. Clue words or phrases: Like As But On the other hand Alike Unlike
Interactive Review Find a comparison that can be made on page 93.
How is Ashley different from Lucinda’s other classmates? Interactive Review How is Ashley different from Lucinda’s other classmates? Lucinda helps her mother prepare dinner, and then the dinner conversation echoes many past conversations. How does the dinnertime routine at Lucinda’s house compare with what takes place at your house? Lucinda’s father has high expectations for his daughter. Why do you think he has such strong feelings about his daughter’s future?
Interactive Review
Interactive Review Find the word groping on page 94. How can you use nearby words and sentences to determine the meaning of groping? How could you compare and contrast Lucinda’s response to the power’s going out to her neighbor’s responses? In this part of the story, Lucinda defies her mother’s wishes because she feels that it is more important to find Chancey than to come back inside. Have you ever defied your parents because of a pressing need that you felt was more important than their wishes? Lucinda’s neighbors crowd around after the power goes out in their building. Someone calls out to reassure the woman caught in the elevator that she will be rescued. Do you think this is a realistic depiction of the way people react in an emergency?
The vowel sound /or/ can be spelled or and ore: Porch, shore. Interactive Review The vowel sound /or/ can be spelled or and ore: Porch, shore. The vowel sound /er/ can be spelled er, or, and ur: Servant, worth, disturb. The vowel sound /ar/ can be spelled ar: market.
Independent and Dependent Clauses Interactive Review Independent and Dependent Clauses An independent clause has a subject and verb and can stand alone as a sentence. A dependent clause or subordinate clause has a subject and verb but cannot stand alone as a sentence. Dependent clauses begin with a word such as before, after, when, since, because, or if. Underline the independent clauses and circle the dependent clauses. Before I left the house, I fed the dog. I took the dog for a walk after I ate a snack. Because the dog rolled in the mud, I had to give it a bath.