Managing Stress
What is Stress STRESS- the body’s response to real or imagined dangers or other life events. Stress is a normal part of life Normal response to stress include Nervousness Sweaty palms Racing heart “Butterflies in your stomach”
What is Stress Stress is not always harmful. Can be part of the experience Can help motivate you Too much stress or stress for too long can be harmful May cause irritability, headaches, trouble sleeping.
What is Stress STRESSOR- anything that causes stress. Can be everyday problems Others can be more serious Natural disaster in the area Some may even be positive Adding a member of the family, Moving to a new house. Everyone reacts differently to stressors. What may stress one person out may be relaxing for another. Everyone has different stressors. What is stressful for you may not be for someone else.
How Your Body Responds to Stress FIGHT OR FLIGHT RESPONSE- the body’s way of responding to threats. The body releases ADRENALINE- a hormone that increases the level of sugar in the blood, giving your body extra energy
Fight or Flight Response 1. The brain detect a source of stress 2. The brain signals the adrenal glands to send out adrenaline 3. The heart receives the message from the brain and beats faster, blood vessels expand, more blood flows to brain and muscles
Fight or Flight Response 4. The muscles tighten and become ready for action. 5. Breathing deepens and speeds up, passages in the lungs widen. Extra oxygen brought to muscles. 6. Other body activities slow down to make more energy available to the rest of the body. Digestion activities.
How Your Body Responds to Stress Physical effects of stress Headaches Back pain Upset stomach Sleep problems Long term effects Weight gain High blood pressure Heart disease Weakens the immune system. Mental Emotional effects of stress Anxiety Anger Sadness Loss of focus and memory Social effects of stress Irritability and anger could lead to conflicts. Could lead to just wanting to be left alone.
Managing Stress It is possible to avoid some stressful situations but you can not remove all sources of stress. Instead of removing the stress find healthy ways to respond to it.
Strategies for Avoiding Stress First figure out what is causing the stress. Are there ways you can avoid that cause? TIME MANAGEMENT- strategies for using time effectively. Plan ahead Set time aside to do things Use a planner Assignment notebook Set priorities What is most important Learn to say no if things get to be to much
Strategies for Coping with Stress Practice good health habits Sleep, nutrition. Relaxation Do something you enjoy doing Take deep breaths Stretch Physical Activity This releases chemicals to your body to help keep you calm and happy. Talking it out Talk about your feelings Write them in a journal May help you find new ways to deal with problems
Strategies for Coping with Stress Keeping a positive outlook Think positively about events causing the stress Laugh, it relieves tension and helps you relax.