Resolution Writing
What is a resolution? Written proposals which contain solutions to the issue being debated One very long sentence with sections separated by commas and semicolons Delegates collaborate to write working papers (resolutions that have not been presented to the committee yet) Three parts to a resolution: Heading Preamble Section Operative Section
Heading Committee: Topic: Sponsors: (countries who actually contributed clauses to the resolution; usually limited to about 5) Signatories: (countries who simply want to see the resolution debated; do not have to support the resolution; required to have a certain number)
Example of a Heading Committee: UN Women Committee Topic: Increasing Female Representation in Government Sponsors: Ethiopia, Canada, and Madagascar Signatories: Syria, United States, Russia, and Pakistan
Pre-ambulatory Clauses Identifies the issue the committee wants to address, gives general background on the issue Justifies why action needs to be taken Can refer to past UN resolutions and treaties, past efforts by governments and NGOs, reference the UN Charter, statements made by the Secretary General, etc. Begin with an “–ing” or “-ed” verb; underline this verb Acknowledging, Affirming, Declaring, Grieved, Endorsing, Concerned, etc. See section J of packet for more verbs. Each ends with a comma
Examples of Pre-Ambulatory Clauses The Committee, Recognizing the scarcity of women currently seated in positions of power around the world, Cognizant of the quota system being implemented by Rwanda and the subsequent increase of women in government, Reiterating that women’s voices deserve to be heard,
Operative Clauses Contain the solutions to directly address and solve the issues Proposed in a logical order; each new idea has its own number Each ends with a semi colon (except for the last, which ends with a period) Indented under the Perambulatory Clauses Use verbs ending in “s” Accepts, Commends, Emphasizes, Urges, Suggests, Recommends, etc.
Examples of Operative Clauses 1. Recommends the adopting of temporary quotas to increase women’s representation to 40%; 2. Requests Women Without Borders to fund campaigns of underprivileged female candidates; 3. Endorses school programs to educate young women about how they can make an impact; 4. Ensures these quotas and programs will be met by: A. Requiring each country submit annual census reports of their governing bodies, and B. Establishing a committee to develop the curriculum for the aforementioned programs.
Resolution Tips Think of who will provide resources for your resolution – funds, labor, etc. Use facts and statistics (appeal to logos) Be realistic (remember the powers and limitations of your committee)
Amendments Can alter parts of a submitted resolution Friendly – all sponsors agree (do not need to vote; automatically added to the submitted resolution) Unfriendly – not all sponsors agree Must be voted on by the committee in voting procedure before voting on any resolutions.
Example of an Amendment Committee: UN Women Committee Topic: Increasing Female Representation in Government Sponsors: Ethiopia Signatories: China, Australia, and Turkey Amendment to Resolution 2.2 A. Amends Draft Resolution 2.2. Strikes 40% and replaces with 30%: “Recommends the adopting of temporary quotas to increase women’s representation to 40%.”
In the Context of Parliamentary Procedure (1 of 2) Submit a working paper to Chair, who will label it with a number and type it up. The Chair will usually announce after it is typed up. You can then motion to introduce working paper (number), which is decided on by the Chair and not by a vote. If the motion passes, its sponsors will read it aloud to the committee. Sometimes, Chair allows a Q & A session.
In the Context of Parliamentary Procedure (2 of 2) At that point, the working paper is called a resolution; the committee will debate further about the resolution. Amendments are also acceptable at this point. In voting procedure: Unfriendly amendments are voted by the committee before all resolutions. Resolutions are passed with a simple majority, except in the Security Council (9 out of 15 members, and no veto among permanent members).